Alien Rain is a Young Adult science fiction novel set in a future where mankind has emigrated to Mars, leaving behind an abandoned Earth and looking to a future of solar and stellar exploration.
It's also set in Cardiff. Two Cardiffs, to be precise: the scaled down replica Cardiff in a dome on Mars and the remnants of our Cardiff on Earth.
Bree, our hero, grows up on Mars. She attends an elite school through a scholarship. To her complete surprise, she is selected to be one of the four teenagers who will accompany a space mission to Earth: the ultimate dream of any kid on Mars. Different domes on Mars have research programmes, which send missions to Earth on a regular basis. Each year a handful of the most promising students from the elite academies accompany those missions. However, Bree has been struggling academically: her grades have been close to flunking out. From the start, she worries about her selection, and what the reasons might be.
Before the mission, there is of course training. It's not just Bree who has doubts about her inclusion: the most academically gifted and competitive member of their little team appears to resent that decision more than anyone. However, as any outburst of arguing would discredit and ostracise them all, so emotions are repressed, hostility stays passive-agressive, and tensions simmer, at least until the they actually get to Earth.
Earth, in the centuries since Mars became mankind's home, has turned feral. A remnant of the last great war, bio-engineered, dragonfly-shaped killing machines, have become omnipresent threats, wreaking havoc on the ecosystem and human visitors. The purpose of Earth missions is partially to find out about the past through archaeological research, but also to find a solution to the problem of the man-made monsters that make Earth uninhabitable.
Alien Rain is a cheerful, brisk-paced romp. There's affection for Cardiff infused in the pages, and special adoration for Cardiff Museum. Bree is a likeable enough heroine, struggling with imposter syndrome and a sense of not fitting in - the latter, perhaps, a universal quality of teen-age. What takes the story beyond your run-of-the-mill YA novel is that it toys with several story directions. It starts out as utopian science fiction, moves through space travel, arrives at postapocalyptic scifi, and then plays with the creepy horror of ghost stories and creature feature tension. Most YA novels are quite singular in their focus. Alien Rain, on the other hand, competently dances around different genres and themes.
Never boring, Alien Rain is fun to read. For any YA fans from Cardiff, it's a must-read. It certainly put Firefly Press on my booky radar!
Rating: 4/5
Showing posts with label cardiff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardiff. Show all posts
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Cardiff Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club: THE MARTIAN!!!
I've been distributing new flyers around Cardiff this weekend to encourage new people to join our Science Fiction & Fantasy / Speculative Fiction Book Club.
If you're visiting my blog because you found a flyer, hello!
Book Club Background
Our book club is fairly small. Meeting sizes over the past year have ranged from two to nine people - the last two meetings had three attendees, so we decided to renew our efforts to recruit our pool of book clubbers and inject some fresh blood. Hence the flyers.
We're a relaxed book club: not everyone reads every book.
The more regular attendees include myself (Robert), Nikki, Thomas, Sarah and Kelly. Several others have come along from time to time.
You can also find our book club on Facebook and on Goodreads.
October: The Martian
The book we're reading for the next meeting is Andy Weir's 'The Martian'.We're also planning to see the movie in a cinema. UPDATE: We'll see the film this Saturday, 10th October, at 11:20am in Cineworld Cardiff. This should be early enough for some of us to watch the rugby afterwards. :-)
November: Halloween Read?
For all existing members and those showing up at our next meeting: Should we read something scary for Halloween / our November meeting?
If so, any recommendations?
Monday, 9 March 2015
Cardiff SFF Book Club - April and Beyond!
So we had another small get-together on Sunday to chat about Lock In again - and it was great.
This time, the meeting comprised of Nikki, Kelly and myself - check out their book blogs, too!
Thank you very much to both, and to Sarah and Emer for turning up to the meetings so far - both meetings were really great, and I can't wait to have a meeting that all of us can attend at the same time!
I've put the details of the next meeting on the Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club Page, which will be the place that always has the most up-to-date details on it.
After that, we'll discuss:
I'll get back to writing book reviews shortly - I've been a bit swamped with other matters over the past fortnight.
This time, the meeting comprised of Nikki, Kelly and myself - check out their book blogs, too!
Thank you very much to both, and to Sarah and Emer for turning up to the meetings so far - both meetings were really great, and I can't wait to have a meeting that all of us can attend at the same time!
I've put the details of the next meeting on the Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club Page, which will be the place that always has the most up-to-date details on it.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club will take place:- Sunday 12th April, in A Shot in the Dark on City Road, at 3pm.
- The next book is Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales, which was suggested by Emer
After that, we'll discuss:
- Ringworld in May (suggested by Sarah)
- Roadside Picnic by by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in June (suggested by Nikki)
- Meanwhile, Kellie is pondering which book to nominate for July...
I'll get back to writing book reviews shortly - I've been a bit swamped with other matters over the past fortnight.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Cardiff SFF Book Club Update
I sent out the following by email to everyone yesterday, but thought I'd quickly post it in case I missed anyone or in case the email got disappeared by any spam filters:
Tuesday's Meeting: It was "klein aber fein" as they'd say in Germany - a nice meeting, a little small in numbers (3 people in total). But all three of us intend to go on and books were suggested!
Sunday Meeting: For anyone who couldn't make it on Tuesday, or who wants to meet other people interested in scifi/fantasy literature, there'll also be a chance to meet up this Sunday, 8th March, at 3pm, in Waterstones Cardiff, in the Cafe upstairs. The book for discussion is still Lock In.
Next Books: The easiest way to pick upcoming reads is for those who (intend to) attend our book club meetings to suggest a book each. Rather than have votes, I'll just put them in a queue. So far, three books have been suggested. If everyone's okay with this process, we'll alternate between Scifi / Fantasy books. I'll send out a list after the Sunday meeting. In the meantime, feel free to suggest a book on FB, Goodreads, my blog, by email or in person.
Next Meetings: As the number of people who showed up on Tuesday was actually smaller than the number of people who told me they'll show up on Sunday, I'm now thinking we'll meet on Sunday afternoons in future. That would mean the next few meetings would be scheduled for 12th April, 10th May, 7th June, etc, but I'll confirm after the meeting on Sunday. It's also possible that the meeting venue will shift towards Roath, but again, I'll see what the people on Sunday think about that...
Goodreads: It was suggested that a Group on Goodreads would be nice, so here it is:
Your Email Address: I may have been overthinking my approach to email by BCC'ing everyone. So, from next week onwards, I'll simply put addresses in the "To:" field, which means all of us can use "Reply All" and it won't be just me talking at everyone. If you don't want me to include your address visibly (or if you want me to stop emailing you entirely), please let me know by the end of the week! For info, there are currently 15 email addresses on the list.
Other Meet-ups: Would you like to organise any outings that might appeal to people who enjoy science fiction and fantasy? Cinema trips, theatre performances, book festivals, conventions, exhibitions? Please do get in touch & suggest things – I'd love for others to help out / organise things / suggest stuff. (That's why I set up the Facebook Group & Goodreads Group and why I'll change the way I send emails). For inspiration, I've put together a list of various things below.
Upcoming Events that may be of interest to SF/F readers:
(Mostly local, but I also included a small number of further afield ones, just in case)
If you're not yet on the mailing list and you want to get involved with the book club, please visit the Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club page and sign up for email updates!
Tuesday's Meeting: It was "klein aber fein" as they'd say in Germany - a nice meeting, a little small in numbers (3 people in total). But all three of us intend to go on and books were suggested!
Sunday Meeting: For anyone who couldn't make it on Tuesday, or who wants to meet other people interested in scifi/fantasy literature, there'll also be a chance to meet up this Sunday, 8th March, at 3pm, in Waterstones Cardiff, in the Cafe upstairs. The book for discussion is still Lock In.
Next Books: The easiest way to pick upcoming reads is for those who (intend to) attend our book club meetings to suggest a book each. Rather than have votes, I'll just put them in a queue. So far, three books have been suggested. If everyone's okay with this process, we'll alternate between Scifi / Fantasy books. I'll send out a list after the Sunday meeting. In the meantime, feel free to suggest a book on FB, Goodreads, my blog, by email or in person.
Next Meetings: As the number of people who showed up on Tuesday was actually smaller than the number of people who told me they'll show up on Sunday, I'm now thinking we'll meet on Sunday afternoons in future. That would mean the next few meetings would be scheduled for 12th April, 10th May, 7th June, etc, but I'll confirm after the meeting on Sunday. It's also possible that the meeting venue will shift towards Roath, but again, I'll see what the people on Sunday think about that...
Goodreads: It was suggested that a Group on Goodreads would be nice, so here it is:
Your Email Address: I may have been overthinking my approach to email by BCC'ing everyone. So, from next week onwards, I'll simply put addresses in the "To:" field, which means all of us can use "Reply All" and it won't be just me talking at everyone. If you don't want me to include your address visibly (or if you want me to stop emailing you entirely), please let me know by the end of the week! For info, there are currently 15 email addresses on the list.
Other Meet-ups: Would you like to organise any outings that might appeal to people who enjoy science fiction and fantasy? Cinema trips, theatre performances, book festivals, conventions, exhibitions? Please do get in touch & suggest things – I'd love for others to help out / organise things / suggest stuff. (That's why I set up the Facebook Group & Goodreads Group and why I'll change the way I send emails). For inspiration, I've put together a list of various things below.
Upcoming Events that may be of interest to SF/F readers:
(Mostly local, but I also included a small number of further afield ones, just in case)
- 4th-7th March: A Theory of Justice: A Musical about 2500 years of philosophy! (Not really SF/F, but it sounds intriguing): - anyone can buy tickets, but you'll have to sign up to the Cardiff Students' Union website to do so. I'll be watching the Saturday performance.
- 13th March: An Evening of Ghastly Delight at Chapter:
- 19th-22nd March: SciFi Weekender in Pwlhelli:
- 21st-22nd March: Cardiff Film and Comic Con:
- 24th-29th March: Cardiff Childrens Literature Festival:
- 28th March: The King and the Corpse at Chapter (storytelling / fairy tale performance):
- 3rd-6th April: Eastercon / Dysprosium in London Heathrow: (I'll be going to that – anyone else?)
- 8th-11th April: Witches Abroad – a play based on a Terry Pratchett novel, staged by Monstrous Productions Theatre Company in aid of Alzheimers Society: (I'll be watching the Saturday evening performance with a friend)
- 21st-25th April: Mermaid at Sherman Cymru:
- 26th April: Wales Comic Con in Wrexham:
- 30th April: Peter and Emma Newman in Bristol:
- 21st-31st May: Hay Festival in Hay-on-Wye:
- 23rd May: Cardiff Mini Con:
- 8th-9th August: Newport Geekedfest:
- 26th September: Bristol-Con:
If you're not yet on the mailing list and you want to get involved with the book club, please visit the Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club page and sign up for email updates!
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club: First Meeting Time & Place
It's time to fix the first meeting of the fledgling Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club, based on the results of the form.
- The most popular meeting time is Tuesday 3rd March, 6pm.
- The book for the first discussion will be Lock In by John Scalzi.
The easiest place to meet is probably the first floor of Wetherspoons Central Bar (the one sort of behind the KFC in Queen Street). It tends to be reasonably quiet there. After chatting about the book, we can then figure out where to meet for the second meeting (and what to read!)
I've created an event on Facebook:
If you use FB, please do pop by, ask any questions, start conversations... or if you use Twitter, use a hashtag #cardiffsff to converse & make posts easy to find. Or use the comments on this blog.
Theoretically, there should be seven of us turning up on Tuesday 3rd March - that's a nice number if everyone turns up! (If you have filled in the web form and indicated that you can make it that day, please do get in touch if your plans have changed: it would be a bit awkward if there were 4 or 5 no-shows!!!)
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club 2.0
UPDATE (March 2015): If you'd like to get involved with the book club, please see the Book Club page for the latest details & to sign up!
UPDATE (1st February 2015): As Lock In got a convincing lead, it'll be the first book to be discussed.
I posted about the possibility of launching a Cardiff-based book club / reading group with a focus on speculative fiction, but probably made things a bit too complicated (and the time frame for a first meeting a bit too short)
Over the next fortnight, I’ll produce a few promotional postcards and ask people to share this post around on Twitter etc.
If you'd be interested in joining, please fill in the form at the end of this post.
To keep things simple, I figured we could either meet on Tuesdays (early in the evening) or on Sundays (in the afternoon), once a month or so, with the first meeting around the end of February / the start of March
If you'd like to join but can't make it at those times, please don't be shy - let me know and I'll see if alternatives would be more popular!
Which of these books would you rather read and discuss?
UPDATE (1st February 2015): As Lock In got a convincing lead, it'll be the first book to be discussed.
I posted about the possibility of launching a Cardiff-based book club / reading group with a focus on speculative fiction, but probably made things a bit too complicated (and the time frame for a first meeting a bit too short)
Over the next fortnight, I’ll produce a few promotional postcards and ask people to share this post around on Twitter etc.
If you'd be interested in joining, please fill in the form at the end of this post.
Meeting Logistics

If you'd like to join but can't make it at those times, please don't be shy - let me know and I'll see if alternatives would be more popular!
Book Choice
I figured I'd suggest two books that we can choose from. I'll leave the poll open until 8th February - that way, there should be enough time to get and read the winning book. (I may post updates earlier - especially if there's a clear favourite early on).Which of these books would you rather read and discuss?
- The Invisible Library is a light read. A bibliophile has swashbuckling adventures featuring parallel dimensions, magic, vampires and a steampunky Victorian London! It's great fun - but not by any means a challenging read.
- Lock In is a good science fictional whodunnit crime novel. It's set in a world where some people have suffered a debilitating disability - similar to lock in syndrome - but science enables them to control (and experience life through) avatar robots. It's a novel full of ideas and offers rich grounds for discussion - but it's accessible and not too challenging.
A time, place and book for the first meeting has now been picked.
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