Showing posts with label geekery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geekery. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Worldbuilders Annual Fundraiser 2018

If you are a fan of fantasy and science fiction books, chances are that you have come across the novels of Patrick Rothfuss. They're wonderful.

However, this isn't a post about his fiction. This is a post about his other wonderful work: the Worldbuilders charity fundraising efforts. Worldbuilders exists to raise money for charities that make the world a better place - primarily Heifer International, which helps families in poor communities by providing them with training and resources like bee hives, goats, chickens, cows, so that they can build up a regular income and a small business.

But Worldbuilders doesn't just ask for money. Worldbuilders offers fantastic goodies, which you can buy, bid on in auctions, or win through a massive raffle. There are literally thousands of books, games, paraphernalia, services for writers and other geeky bits of joy. So if you want something in return for doing good, you can either enter the lottery to win things, or buy stuff outright.

Have a look at Pat's blog posts about Worldbuilders. He's a nice guy who is running himself ragged trying to bring goodness to the world, and his achievements are phenomenal (even if he is wracked by anxiety about his efforts). Or read the summary on the Worldbuilders blog - it's the tenth anniversary of Worldbuilders this year.

This year, Worldbuilders runs from November 27, 2018 through December 11, 2018, and I decided to promote it here on my blog. 

Friday 23 November 2018

10 Brilliant Books You've Never Heard Of: Perfect Gifts For Bookaholics

A couple of years ago, I wrote a list of Brilliant Books You've Never Heard Of. As Christmas is coming up, I thought it's time to update and expand the list!

Below are a few awesome books which even your bibliophile friends probably haven't read yet. These are books which probably never made it to a Waterstones 3 for 2 table, books which don't appear on the Goodreads shelves of avid readers I follow. Some are older books, which were moderately successful in their time, but which are largely unfamiliar to millennials. So, you know, perfect gifts.

Mood: Happy, Adventurous

For those who like fun-filled stories filled with thrills and adventure
The \ Occasional / Diamond Thief is a YA adventure scifi novel.

Kia Ugiagbe, is a 15-year-old girl on a distant planet. On her father's deathbed, he reveals a secret: hidden at the back of a drawer, there is a huge diamond. Her father, she realises, must have stolen it!

Fast paced, fun, and tense, The Occasional Diamond Thief is great fun. Kia is easy to root for: she's hard-working, not brilliant at everything she does, but dedicated. She has a sense of humour and just the right amount of cheek.

There is a sequel, which is just as good. Read my full review, then buy the books as a gift or for yourself!
The Dragons of Heaven is set in a world where superheroes and some kinds of magic are real.

Our hero is Mr Mystic. Able to control shadows and even drift from the 'real' world into a shadow realm, Mr Mystic is a fedora wearing, British-sounding, Chinese-magic-wielding martial arts expert. Oh, and she's also a woman, Missy Masters, who inherited the superpowers from the original Mr Mystic.

If you want a book that is fun, funny, thrilling, a bit romantic and sexy, joyful, whip-smart, and a good romp, this really should be up your street.

Read my full review, then buy the books as a gift or for yourself!

Mood: Literary, coming of age, but exciting

For those who like coming of age novels with complexity, warmth and a plot that moves. 
The Chicken Soup Murder is told from the perspective of Michael, a primary school boy about to move on to "Big School".

However, all is not well in his world. His best friend's father has recently died. His neighbour's dog has died. And now his neighbour Irma is dating a policeman, whose son bullies Michael.

Then, Irma dies, and Michael suspects foul play.

The Chicken Soup Murder is a warm, addictive, gently amusing novel about the everyday tragedy that is death, but also a novel about childhood and growing up.

Read my full review, then buy the books as a gift or for yourself!
Konstantin is a biographical novel about a boy growing up in Russia,and becoming an oddball young man.

Konstantin is a boy with a huge imagination. After losing most of his hearing, he spends the rest of his life a bit removed from his peers. However, this is not at all a misery book. Konstantin is full of infectious enthusiasm, permanently fascinated, and brave, even foolhardy.

Beautiful prose and the energetic protagonist make this a joyful book. Read my full review of Konstantin to find out more.
Jasmine Nights is a coming-of-age novel set in 1963 Thailand. It’s the story of Little Frog / Justin, a 12-year-old boy from a very rich family. Justin is a somewhat eccentric, aloof boy. Then, he is gradually nudged out of his shell by his grandmother, and by the kids who live next door...

Jasmine Nights is a story touching on race and prejudice, finding out about sex, Thailand, the periphery of the Vietnam War, different social classes, but above all else, it is the story of a lonely boy becoming slightly less lonely and growing up a little. Amusing and complex, it reminded me of To Kill a Mockingbird.

Read my full review of Jasmine Nights to find out more.

Mood: Literary Science Fiction and Fantasy

For those who like their speculative fiction thoughtful and ambitious.
The Falling Woman is a classic that few millennials will have read. It won a Nebula Award in 1987.

Elizabeth is an divorced archaeologist on a dig in Central America. She can glimpse ghosts of the past, especially at dusk and dawn. One day, one of the spectres looks at her and starts to talk...

Diane is her daughter, joining her on her dig after a bereavement. Diane hasn't seen Elizabeth since childhood, and isn't sure what she has gone out to find.

The story builds up its world and characters one step at a time. Gradually, it gains tension, a sense of the uncanny, a foreboding feel... Read my full review, then buy the books as a gift or for yourself!

Sequela is the debut novel of a Scottish poet. It tells the story of a scientist whose job is to create sexually transmitted viruses (STVs). In this future, STVs have become fashionable: they indicate whom one has slept with. Each symptom pattern is linked to different powerbrokers, and every 'player' is trying to have the most rarefied rash pattern.

It's high concept, but really, this is a character-based thriller. The tension comes from social interactions, from office politics, from personal relationships and how they develop...  It's a unique and frighteningly convincing novel.

Read my full review of Sequela to find out more.
The Beauty starts years after all the women have died. Men and boys have survived, seemingly unaffected by the bizarre fungus plague that wiped out womankind. It's a very short novel. It's postapocalyptic, it's horror, it's science fiction and it's unlike anything I've read: it's full of ideas, atmosphere and the uncanny, and it sticks with you long after you'd finished reading.

Read my full review of The Beauty to find out more.
In Great Waters is set in an alternative history where merpeople are real. They are not like humans: fiercer, more direct, more single-minded. They can interbreed with humans, which results in physical and mental differences. Thus we meet Henry / Whistle, a crossbreed who is born in the sea but grows into adulthood among humans.

In Great Waters is outstanding because of its immersive, gradual worldbuilding. Tension builds up slowly: by the time your fascination is satisfied, the story has sneakily turned into a thriller that can't be put down.

Read my full review of In Great Waters to find out more.

Mood: Childlike awe and terror

For those who remember how big and wonder-filled and scary the world was when we were kids... or for kids.
Oy Yew is a tiny boy who grows up sustaining himself on crumbs and the smells of food. One day, he is forced into servitude, first in a factory, then in a country mansion. His comrades in slavery are other waifs, children who arrived as boat people on tiny rafts.

But things are about to go from bad to worse: How come there have been so many accidents lately? What secrets lurk in the sinister Bone Room? And why is Master Jep suddenly so interested in Oy's thumbs?

This is a fantastically atmospheric novel. It's uncanny and tender and beautiful.  Even as an adult reader, I was on the edge of my seat. Read my full review, then buy the books as a gift or for yourself!

What books would you add to the list?

Have you read any excellent, but underrated / not very widely known books lately? Add a comment, give some recommendations!

Saturday 31 December 2016

Planespotting in Madeira - tips (off-topic post)

It's not exactly a secret, but one of my geeky interests has always been flying and planes. I love travelling, but flying to the destination is usually one of the biggest highlights of any trip. I don't go planespotting often - only a handful of times in the past 15 years - but I decided to share a bit of my other geeky interest on my blog too, after a recent planespotting holiday in Madeira.

Why Madeira?

Madeira has a special place in the heart of European planespotters, not because of the number of planes or the variety of airlines or the proportion of widebodies flying there, all of which are a bit underwhelming. No, it's the airport itself, its location and construction, and, most importantly of all, the more-exciting-than-usual approach and variable winds that make the island a bit of a Mecca for aviation enthusiasts.

Key Attractions
  • The island is virtually all mountains and valleys. (The plateaus at the top are national parks and nature preservation areas and unsuitable for airport building). The airport is by the coast, with a runway running alongside the coastline.
  • The runway was extended twice. As there was no land to extend it on, the extensions were built on hundreds of 70m-high concrete pillars. Basically, about a third of the airport is built on platform / bridge. Several roads and entertainment facilities are below the runway among the pillars carrying it.
  • Planes landing at the airport either do an approach which involves a u-turn into a very short final approach, or they approach in a less dramatic line, but through an area that seems a lot more plagued by gusts and crosswinds. The U-turn approach involves flying towards the mountains, which can be a bit nerve-racking for passengers. 
  • Planes landing via the u-turn approach can be photographed with the terrain in the background, so you can see houses and gardens and mountainside just behind the plane...
  • As the airport is small and space very restrictive, planespotters can also get very close to the runway. Even better, as the land rises away from the airport, you can be close to the runway and above it, looking down on planes landing and taking off, at an angle usually only available to airport towers or helicopters...
  • Because of the way the coastline zigs and zags, you can also find locations directly aligned with the runway, and above, from which to take photos of planes approaching and landing. It's not the same as the famous checkerboard hill at the long-closed Hong Kong Kaitak airport, but it's a pretty rare opportunity nonetheless.
  • Oh, and Madeira is a stunning, stunning island. The most spectacular in the Atlantic. If you want sand beaches, you'll have to go to the Canaries or to Porto Santo, and if you want calm nature and few tourists, you should visit the Azores. However, if you love mountains, forests, nature, the sea and spectacular scenery, while also appreciating good weather that never gets too hot or too cold, and being tolerant of relatively high tourist numbers, then Madeira is perfect. If I were religious and believed in Eden, I'm pretty sure Madeira would be it. The island also hosts a variety of festivals - apparently, the New Year's fireworks are world class (and were recently in the Guinness Book of World Records for their scale), there are is a huge island-wide flower festival in spring, etc. etc. - basically, Madeira is a world class destination even if you aren't a planespotter.
Below the break, you will find lots of photos to illustrate the points, and a planespotting travel guide.

Friday 22 July 2016

The Dragons of Heaven by Alyc Helms

The Dragons of Heaven is a debut novel, set in a world where superheroes and some kinds of magic are real. It's also a world in which not everyone believes in magic - sceptics believe the superheroes just have very advanced tech (which some do) and very good PR (ditto). There are laws about 'citizen vigilantes' and some form together into SHIELD-like organisations, some commercial, some state-run. But all of that is merely backdrop: the novel is much more interested in its Chinese-influenced mythology and magic and a hero's journey.

Our hero is Mr Mystic, one of those superpowered vigilantes. Able to control shadows and even drift from the 'real' world into a shadow realm, Mr Mystic is a fedora wearing, arch-British-sounding, Chinese-magic-wielding martial arts expert. Oh, and she's also a woman, Missy Masters, who inherited the superpowers from her grandfather, the original Mr Mystic, whom she impersonates. (Said grandfather, meanwhile, has disappeared without a trace or a goodbye).

Superheroes tend to be the stuff of movies and comic books, but The Dragons of Heaven is a funny, slick, energetic romp, filled with action and jaw dropping (but believable) plot twists.

I will admit that it took me a while to get properly absorbed by the story: the timeline is a little wobbly at the start of the novel, with two parallel storylines (one in the now, one in the past) and flashbacks galore. Also, I am not good with (character) names at the best of times, so I tended to get confused between all the Asian characters. Worst of all, I read the book while stressed / struggling with concentration, so even though I noticed the humour and the playfulness, I really struggled to focus on anything. (This has to do with life issues rather than any issues of the book, but it makes me feel I missed out on enjoying this book properly).

Eventually, even though the stress factors in the real world were still there, the book hooked me, and by the end I was not just invested in Missy, but her world and all the characters within it. In fact, The Dragons of Heaven is a novel where there is no such thing as a pure villain - all characters, even the antagonists, have reason and richness and perspectives that are perfectly understandable.

Basically, if you want a book that is fun, funny, action-packed, thrilling, a bit romantic and sexy, joyful, whip-smart, and a good romp, The Dragons of Heaven really should be up your street.

Rating: 5/5

Monday 18 April 2016

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sydney Padua

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer is a beautifully produced book. It's hard to describe it: not quite graphic novel, but more than a collection of sketches and comics. Not quite biography, but neither is it just a cartoon fantasy.

I first heard of the comic through watching Calculating Ada on BBC iPlayer: Sydney Padua is one of the people briefly interviewed for the programme, and some of her art is shown. Those brief glimpses of cartoon Ada resonated with me immediately, so when I saw the book in Waterstones, I didn't think twice before buying it, even though I had no idea what the comic itself is actually like.

As such, the introduction was almost a surprise: Sydney Padua was originally asked for a comic showing the real history of Lovelace and Babbage's work. When she didn't like the downbeat ending of real events, she added a final uplifting panel about a pocket (alternative) universe filled with adventures and crime fighting - and people really wanted her to continue that story. The outcome is this book, a hypothetical imagination of what the story would be like if it were to continue as a comic adventure. (Also, the 2D Goggles website)

Like many comics that started on the internet, it doesn't have a continuous story arc, but is a collection of fairly standalone flights of fancy. Where it differs from regular web comics is in its basis, which is always at least inspired by historic quotes and facts, and in its habit of quoting primary sources. Clearly, a lot of research and love has gone into the book. Affection for the characters veritably oozes off the page, while the multiple footnotes per page explain every reference, allusion or detail. Each episode is followed by additional endnotes, which add to the detail from the footnotes, and the book has a further set of appendices on top of that.

The reading experience is quite unusual: almost every line of dialogue and every joke is explained in footnotes. As a German-born man, I principally approve of the explaining of jokes, of course, but it does interrupt the flow of the comic a little. It feels more like getting lost and absorbed in Wikipedia, following one intriguing link after another, with a sense of continuous fascination, than it feels like reading a story.

I guess the book is written for a very specific audience: geeks. Ada Lovelace is, after all, one of the iconic heroes worshipped by 21st century geeks, along Nikola Tesla and other under-appreciated geniuses. This book is not (just) aiming for comedy and entertainment, it wants to get people excited about scientific research and historical figures and events. It wants to educate, and it wants to share the author's fascination and celebrate mankind's capacity for enthusiasm (geekery) itself.

I adored the art / style and loved the enthusiasm. I enjoyed the episodes and the quirky ideas. I appreciated the footnotes and endnotes (unlike other books which have more general knowledge about a topic and sprinkle hidden references that only the cognoscenti can appreciate, Lovelace and Babbage is entirely inclusive of the ignorant, and provides the knowledge to understand each reference), and I think that this book honours Lovelace, Babbage and their contemporaries with clear affection and respect. I loved the whimsiest episodes and ideas the most and couldn't get enough of those.

At times, the book was a little too clever for my taste - I would have loved for Lovelace and Babbage to have a few quirky, whimsical adventures that would have been less bothered with edutainment and more purely narrative-focused. The plot always took last place in the author's priority list, with history, facts, quotes, jokes and whimsy all being more important. Much as I enjoyed the book, I would have liked a little more plot (both inside episodes and between episodes).

Still, if you like steampunk, Victoriana, history, geek culture, comic books, postmodern storytelling and/or a cute aesthetic, then The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage is well worth your time.

Rating: 4/5

Saturday 16 January 2016

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Nimona is an eye-catching graphic novel, adapted from a web-comic. The cover shines with friendly colours and a smooth, warm look and feel. All art is a matter of taste, but when I first saw Nimona in someone's hands, something clicked and I immediately wanted a copy of my own, without knowing anything about the story,

The story starts out with gusto: a villain, Lord Blackheart, is joined by Nimona in his lair. She claims to have been sent by an agency, to be his new sidekick, but he does not believe her... when she finally wins him around and accompanies him on his nefarious crimes, he soon finds her fiercer and more ruthless than he ever imagined - but also oddly adorable.

From the first page to the last, it's full of affection for its characters, which shines through in the art, the characters' facial expressions, the story. Nimona is very child-like, Blackheart, though aloof, is quite gooey inside, and their nemesis is a lot more concerned with his appearance and reputation than with his deeds or his true inner self.

Of course, any story with a villain as its protagonist needs a sense of mischief to work, and Nimona has plenty of that. This isn't like Wicked (the book), pseudo-literary and boring. It's more along the lines of Despicable Me and Megamind, except it doesn't shy away from violence and lethal collateral damage.

As you might guess from a book which lists its selling points on its back as "NEMESES! DRAGONS! SCIENCE! SYMBOLISM!", the tone of the story is light and filled with enthusiasm. It has that slightly quirky tone of a tale written for (or by) young people who grew up with LOLcats, ALL THE FEELS, emojis, animated gifs, SQUEEE, Hyperbole and a Half, internet subcultures, cosplay and an extrovert love of playfulness. It maintains the playfulness and quirky mischief for quite a while, but as the story heads for its big showdown, things get a little more serious.

Personally, I did not love the final act. The tone shifted a little farther than I'd liked towards taking itself seriously. Some aspects did not quite work for me... but for other reviewers, the ending worked well. It's definitely a matter of personal taste.

All in all, a graphic novel I'm happy to recommend. Well worth a read!

Rating: 4.5/5

Saturday 19 December 2015

80 Days by inkle

Back in October, I read Strange Charm's review of 80 Days. The review made me buy the game immediately: it sounded like something quite special. And it is.

80 Days is not like most games I have played. It's basically a choose-your-own-adventure story, based primarily on text. The player is Passepartout, valet to Phileas Fogg, travelling around the world for a wager. In every city, you get to choose how and where to travel next, from the connections that are available and which you have been able to discover. (You may not discover every route out of a city)

During every movement from city to city, you choose what to do - look after Fogg (which boosts his health), talk to someone (to find out more about your destination and onwards travelling options), or read the newspaper (to find out about things going on in the world, and sometimes, travel options). In most cities, you can go to a market to buy and sell goods, to a bank to take out loans (which slow you down because you have to wait some day(s) before the funds are cleared), explore to find out onward travel routes and stay overnight. Sometimes, you don't have enough money to continue your journey and you have to find ways to earn it. Other times, Fogg may not have enough health to withstand a particularly arduous route, and you have to let him recuperate. On top of all this, there are a multitude of encounters, on transport and in cities, and adventures and sub plots that you may get embroiled in.
This makes it sound a little dry. It isn't. The characters you meet are a cornucopia of interesting people, of all races, backgrounds, sexes, occupations and opinions. You may meet pirates and royalty, engineers and slave traders, revolutionaries and soldiers. You may get embroiled with a notorious cat burglar or a quest for a robot soul. And the means of transport themselves are fantastically imaginative: this is a steampunk universe realised to its full potential, letting you travel by land, sea, air and, in some places, by even more esoteric means. Not to  mention all the little adventures en route: from murder mysteries to grand adventures in the best tradition of Jules Verne and 19th century explorers, this world is chock full of possibilities.

The first time I played the game, I was focused entirely on getting around the world as quickly as possible, so I picked very long, expensive journey legs. I soon ran out of money and ultimately failed to meet the 80 days deadline. The next few times, I played with more focus on balancing income (through trading profitably) with movement. It got fairly easy to get around the world within 80 Days. Then I started geting more and more interested in exploring the world that the creators have produced, and the sub plots. I'm still playing, after dozens of journeys, because I am trying to resolve different mysteries. In all the many, many times I've gone around the world, I have so far only found one way to find a different ending to the game - but that discovery in itself was highly rewarding. I still haven't figured out the Agatha Christie-esque murder mystery on one leg of one itinerary, and I have stumbled across different story paths related to an object you can acquire at a railway station in Western Europe, but I suspect there is a more exciting possible outcome somewhere, if only I could find it.

The plotlines you might stumble into have very different possible outcomes, both in what happens and what it says about the world. You may come into possession of things that some consider the ultimate abomination, while others venerate them, and depending on what you do with them, you may get lots of money or change the world...

At the same time, I'd lie if I didn't admit that some things are a little bit frustrating. As you travel, most circumnavigations will go without really connecting to most of the characters you meet. You may meet two dozen larger-than-life characters and glimpse their lives for the brief duration of the shared journey from A to B, and then never see them again. Sometimes you glimpse something in passing which hints at an intersection with another plotline, had you only chosen differently. Sometimes you read newspaper headlines that tell you about things you have passed. Then again, that is more or less what travelling is like, no?

It is those frustrations which make the game so addictive: I replay again and again because I want to know what I've missed, what I have passed by. When going around the world again and again, I start getting off at different stops, taking different branches, trying to find different routes. This can be hugely rewarding: having passed through an area and witnessed brutality in one journey, I came through the same town on a different route and got a chance to take part in a daring rescue. Another time, in a different place, I had to choose whether to help robbers or fight them, and the two outcomes were vastly different.

I absolutely adore this game. I can't praise it highly enough. Who'd have thought that a text adventure (accompanied by admittedly very nifty, pretty illustrations and a lovely globe) could be so addictive in the age of smartphones?

Rating: 5/5
Go buy it now!

Saturday 15 August 2015


Geeking out at Nine Worlds - image by dorristhelorris


Last summer, I attended Loncon. When I booked my ticket, I didn't even realise that this was Worldcon, and that it doesn't happen in London every year. All I knew was that the list of attending authors included most of my favourite writers, and I just had to be there.

It was more or less my first convention. (I'd been to one or two tiny events before, but nothing like this). It was awesome and magical and got me instantly hooked. Kaffeeklatsches with literary  Gods! Writers and book lovers everywhere! Geeky shy people being welcoming and open! Somehow, this was a rare occasion when I rarely felt like drifting to the edges of the room to hide away and fade out...

So, almost as soon as I got back, I started looking for more. I needed another fix, or two or three. I found out about some other conventions and, in the coming months, bought tickets to several.

Eastercon (Dysprosium) was my second, and while it wasn't quite as huge as Loncon, it was fab, too. Nineworlds was the third major convention I bought a ticket to. I bought the ticket before the programme and guest list was announced, on the strength of last year's guest list (and to get the advance ticket rate). I'll be honest - I don't think I would have bought the ticket after seeing the guest list, not because there's anything wrong with the guests, but because I'd already encountered most of the A-listers at other conventions, and knew too little (cough, nothing, cough) about the rest. Also, Nineworlds is a pop culture con with a decent literary / writing streak, while the other cons were literary / writing cons with some added pop culture. Nineworlds simply had a slightly different balance of events, rendering it a great programme, but not an unmissable one.


I've not been having the best of times in work lately, with frustrations, a clash or two, and a high workload / late night work / manicness. So getting up at 4am to catch the coach to London was somewhat painful. Also, I'd had to pack my laptop to be able to do some work during the convention, which detracted from my enthusiasm somewhat.

I dozed through the journey in a semi-coma, starting to look up the website of the convention as the coach got closer to Heathrow. I had not actually read the programme, or the programme book, or anything, in detail. In fact, I texted Kelly / Dorristheloris from the coach to figure out which hotel the convention was in (I'd booked myself into the Renaissance, but forgotten entirely where Nineworlds was based)

After leaving my suitcase in my hotel and consuming as much coffee as I could gulp down, I dashed to the Radisson Blu Edwardian. The density of geeky people with name tags increased exponentially the closer I got. At the registration desk, Kelly gave me a warm welcome, and I got a numbered tag and back with goodies & programme book. After registration, I basically tried to fit in as many panels as I could...

This panel appealed to me because I've read (and enjoyed) a novel by Sebastian de Castell, because I'm usually interested in discussions about stories and writing, and because all the other names on the panel looked intriguingly multicultural. It was a little surprising that actually, despite the global-sounding mix of names, everyone was white. 

The discussion was interesting. I made a mental note that characters need a mini-wish / motivation in each scene, rather than just an overarching objective, and that agency is important. At some point, the definition of a great protagonist appeared to be "a totally screwed, somewhat screwed up person with plenty of agency" and I could not help thinking that The Martian meets at least two of these criteria with spectacular aplomb. Interestingly, the topic of charisma never really got mentioned. I guess most of our empathy with a character is caused by them being in trouble, and only the rest relates to the character's personality.

Hellen Grünefeld, Dr Fiona Coward, Gill Conquest, (plus, I think, a fourth academic?)

This was a really enjoyable panel because it was a pure Q&A. No plan, no lecture, just audience questions and an open conversation. I was unashamedly the first to shoot up my hand and ask a question (about how to go about creating artefacts on the surface that will still be there in 100,000 years). My question was inspired by Into Eternity and relates obliquely to my own accursed novel project, so I was delighted to get answers (nowhere near a rainforest, in a temperate climate, encased & well protected, ideally not on the surface but buried) and thrilled that obviously others had seen the same documentary, as they also referred to the points raised by Into Eternity. Which is an excellent documentary - watch it if you can. 

Possibly due to having slept for only 2 or 3 hours that night, I currently struggle to remember details of the rest of the discussion, except for a pervasive sense of fascination, wonder and excitement. It was a wonderful panel run by excited, friendly people. One of the panellists works in isolated tribal communities in the wilderness, looking for positive ways in which modern technology might intersect with their lifestyles and enable them to continue their cultures (I think: again, my memory is a bit vague). Basically, I could happily imagine each of them starring in their own Indiana-Jones style adventure movies, having fun while saving the world and kicking ass (with kindness and in a polite sort of way).

UFO by Gill Conquest
Uncharted Territories
There was something remarkable about the academia track at Nineworlds: it was warm, welcoming, excited about the subjects, full of energy, and without any of the self-regard and snideness that academic discussions can sometimes drift into. No one had a dig at anyone (as far as I recall). There were conversations more than discussions, and discussions rather than debates. The audience on those panels I attended deserve as much credit for this atmosphere as the panellists.

This was a small workshop that you had to sign up for in advance (and the reason why I'd tried hard to arrive at the con early, so I could sign the register).

Literary agents are mysterious beasts. This was the second agent-focused event I attended (after a panel discussion at Eastercon). It was interesting, and the advice about cover letters and synopses was great. I now feel that I could have a good go at both - but probably I could do so much more easily for other people's novels than my own. Maybe I should offer cover letter & synopsising services on freelancing websites...

Another exciting session, all the more so for being interactive. I was definitely very lucky in the "whose fingers I get to fondle" part of the performance, although I fear I can't say the same for my opposite number.

We all got 'trainee mind reader' badges and learnt quite a bit about how mind reading magic works. The science was interesting & educational, even if the videos didn't work.

This was a presentation / panel by a representative from Inmarsat, about their work and the opportunities for saving lives and making apps on their platform.

Fascinating stuff. I almost wanted to sign up to work for them right there and then - but I can't help the niggling suspicion that the life saving apps they are so (rightly) proud of might not be the money-spinners of the business, and that somewhere at the heart of it all, there might be military / defence contracts (boo, hiss)...

It does seem like satellite communications networks have moved along quite a way since the days when 'iridium' was the topic du jour. The potential for this technology is limitless - I hope it will be used for good more than ill.

I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation & was very excited to be there.

This talk by a black feminist activist was entertaining, enthusiastic and educational. I must admit that race related protests are not always easy for me to relate to, so hearing the perspective of someone involved in them was very interesting.

(Why do I say they are not easy to relate to? Because I am a white male, and my experience of race is pretty much theoretical: I am the default. And because, from my perspective, it looks as if we live in a post-racial society, where we all are legally equal. The fact that it takes some generations for mentalities to change, rather than the passing of a law, is easy to ignore...)

One of the things I find quite heartbreaking is how powerless people feel. While I oppose revolution / criminal protests, I can see how frustrations would boil over. I'm very interested in how society can be convinced to change. How can a small core of passionate activists nudge and pinch society until it becomes something better? And, especially, how can activist get the mainstream on board, rather than being seen as a whacky fringe that's ignored?

Seeing Jeremy Corbyn stand for Labour leadership is pretty much the first time this millennium that there is at least a glimmer of hope on the horizon that my own sense moral beliefs will finally be reflected in mainstream politics. I have attended many a (peaceful) protest, with limited or no impact. I went to this talk to find out about how we can gain impact.

I went to this talk because everyone loves the rebels in Star Wars, or the Browncoats in Firefly, and hates the Empire / Alliance, but in real life, protestors are often abused, and riots are considered antisocial, criminal, loutish behaviour. In real life, we are all part of the Empire / Alliance, and we vilify the rebels & browncoats...

Sadly, the talk could not offer any answers as to how to change the world (if there were any easy answers, someone would have found them by now). That does not mean my attendance was futile - it was an engaging and fascinating talk, followed by a good discussion. It was also one of the few events where a single speaker held the attention of the audience, rather than a panel / discussion setup.

Informal Book Blogger Meetup

Despite a very long, tiring day, I decided that I should try and do the social thing in the evening. I am not very good at being social. I feel very uncomfortable in noisy environments and large groups, I have a terrible memory for names and faces, and I'm pretty bad at making first impressions. So, meeting people and being social is very exhausting and fraught with tension and generally followed by several days of fretting. (In fact as I am writing this a week later, there are still things I said in some of the conversation that I'm fretting over).

Oh, and I suspected that a guy I went to University with was likely to be there. Thankfully, when he arrived he sat at the furthest end of the group, so we could mutually and successfully avoid making eye contact or having to talk to each other. (We're neither enemies nor friends. Best described as awkward acquaintances, I think.)

That said, despite all the awkward, it was great to meet other book bloggers. Here's who I've met and chatted with:

After this, I returned to my own hotel to follow them all on Twitter, then crash and sleep.


I didn't get up to the earliest start on Saturday: residual tiredness continued. Also, I spent some time on Saturday before panels trying to connect to the internet and do work (wifi fail! Radisson's wifi for people who aren't guests was shockingly bad), and between panels, with someone's guest wifi password, finally connecting to the internet and working.

So, Saturday was a day of fewer panels, more suffering.

This was a series of talks by historians about things they think they can infer from circumstantial evidence, but without any real proof. The theories were quite Roman-centric. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten more from them if I knew more about the Romans, about individual Roman historical characters, and especially, if the exhaustion from previous nights & lack of sleep had not still been bothering me.

As it was, I mostly remember the theory that there was a Romance language in Britain, between the fall of the Roman empire and the arrival of the Anglo Saxons, of which no trace exists now. It sounded plausible and interesting. Another theory dealt with an emperor who never was - the gay lover of a Caesar who was slowly being prepared and groomed to become his successor, but who died in some kind of accident before the old Caesar, so the succession changed.

This was another small workshop requiring sign-up.

At this point, I must admit that I probably misunderstood something about Masterclasses, Monsterclasses, etc. at Nineworlds: I assumed they were meant to be participatory, so I had a tendency to ask questions, attempt to make jokes and try to interact with the speakers. With the benefit of hindsight, I now realise I was the only one doing so in several Master- / Monsterclasses, so they were obviously intended as classes / presentations. I suddenly feel belated awkwardness: I must have been a little annoying. Ooops. Sorry, all fellow attendees!

It was an interesting presentation. I learnt more about self-publishing than I'd known or been aware of. Some aspects were less revelatory to me than others (outsourcing the editing, proofreading, cover designing, manuscript formatting etc. are things I'm aware of. Digital distributors, Ingramspark, Reedsy, and other things, were entirely new to me. Especially Ingramspark seemed to be a useful thing to be aware of).

It was a pity that post-publishing (namely, marketing) was outside the scope of this class - as that is an area I am still quite curious about.

Liz De Jager

Liz's books sound like they are quite interesting, but this Monsterclass was unfortunately not really for me. It did not help that I went in there with a misguided expectation - of something very interactive - and found it was actually mostly a powerpoint presentation. So my disappointment is at least 50% my own fault

The session covered Liz's career path as an author and some of the monsters she has created or adapted from mythology for her stories. I didn't really take away any lessons (beyond the potential of using Pinterest to collect together monstrous / strange pics for the purpose of inspiration when writing creatures).

The F-Word in Fantasy - Sex in Fantasy

Anne Perry (not, I think, the other Anne Perry who is a bestselling crime novelist & was a murderer in her youth), Lizzie Barrett, Sarah Lotz, Jared Shurin, Laurell K Hamilton, Snorri Kristjansson, Den Patrick

I attended this panel in the hope that it would be snortingly funny. I've never actually read any of the books written by the panellists, so the introductions were helpful. By the time I arrived, the room was almost full, so I sat somewhere in the back, behind a pillar, next to a literary agent and someone from Gollancz (and Dorristheloris, whom I'd persuaded to tag along).

Anne Perry and Jared Shurin run the Pornokitsch blog together.
"Despite its name, it has nothing to do with porn. This is probably the sexiest thing we've ever done," - Jared.
"We're married," - Anne.
Laughter - Audience.

Sarah Lotz used to write create-your-own-adventure porn books (with 'friends' who wrote all the explicit bits, allegedly)

Laurell K Hamilton writes vampire romances that include sex.

Den Patrick wrote a novel with a sex scene that sets the benchmark for such things.

Lizzie Barrett... ummm, I forgot why she was there, but she was very enthusiastic and outspoken about the topic of sex scenes.

Snorri Kristjansson's novels about Vikings are positively chaste and feature no sex at all, so he was the self-declared moral anchor of the panel. 

The panel started with a game to loosen up the audience and the panel: panellists had to read out a phrase that was either a sword fight form, or a sex scene form, and the audience had to guess whether it was "sword" or "sex". (The sexy quotes were  from Pat Rothfuss' Wise Man's Fear and the sword quotes from... errr... Robert Jordan? Some writer whose stuff I haven't read)

After that, panellists talked about what makes a good sex scene, what makes a sex scene bad, how they go about writing sex scenes, and the troubles of vocabulary. It was an entertaining discussion, with a few good laughs (many courtesy of Snorri Kristjansson's quips - on the strength of how funny he is, I bought the first of his Viking books).

That said, it was a somewhat more serious panel than I had expected (and hoped for).


At some point on Saturday or Sunday, I spotted Genevieve Cogman in a Starbucks, and made my best impression of socially awkward penguin by accosting her, telling her how much I loved The Invisible Library, and then running away immediately. 

Story Translation and Archeological Museums - Changing Environments, Changing Audiences

Debbie Chalis, Lauren Maier, Amanda Potter

I was completely surprised by these talks: they were not at all what I had expected. That said, they were both engaging and interesting.

The first (Lauren Maier's) was a comparison between Big Hero 6, the comic book series, and Big Hero 6, the movie, along some background about Disney, Marvel, and with a special focus on how characters were reimagined by Disney, especially the female ones. Good thing I've seen (and hugely enjoyed) the movie!

The second was a talk about the Petrie Museum's programme of events aiming to draw in a non-specialist audience - basically, to try and use the tiny museum's enormous collection to bring pop culture to life, by staging talks, movie screenings, and more, in the tiny exhibition rooms.

I could not really see any connection between the two talks, but both were engaging. I can't help thinking that the reason they were chosen was more to do with the fact that these are lovely, enthusiastic people, than with subject matter. (I mentioned earlier how the academia track of the convention seemed unusually warm, not in temperature, but in temperament. This was true, here, too, and it's a real credit to the organiser)

The Stars My Destination - Exploring the Future of SF

I'd been looking forward to the panel because the description sounded interesting. I hadn't read any of the books by the authors. Unfortunately, this panel ended up falling flat, as far as I'm concerned - I ended up clockwatchng and wanting to be out of there. It wasn't offensive, just not interesting.

Monsterclass: Author vs Editor

Gillian RedfearnDen Patrick

I had not signed up to this in advance, as I have been to a number of Monster- / Masterclasses and Kaffeeklatsches with authors and editors during the three big cons I've attended, so I did not want to rob anyone off their chance to attend this. I turned up at the door on the off chance that there were still free places, and there were. This was also one of those Monserclasses where, still not really attuned to the fact these were classes, not kaffeeklatsches, I asked questions and chipped in during their talk rather than waiting for the end. Sorry!

Despite my interruptions, this was a great talk, with a detailed description of the process from the first draft a publisher sees (which is not generally the first draft, but one that has been edited, submitted to an agent, then reworked with an agent, etc.) via contracts and edits, to hardback, paperback, author tour and beyond. It was thoroughly educational and interesting to listen to.

It was also the last event I attended. I misread my clock and entered another event, which was in its final Q&A phase, rather than being just about to start (it was an hour later than I thought), so after browsing the market, and a bit of reading, I started the journey home.


This was a lovely convention. Like the others I have attended, it was so friendly that it could, at times, feel like we were being mothered / mollycoddled a bit. 

The programme had enough things to keep me busy, but, due to budget restrictions I'll probably stick to more literature-centric cons in future years (i.e. Eastercon and any Worldcon I can afford to attend). 

A huge hats off to the organiser(s) of the academia track: very impressive work.


It's probably obvious that I'm an aspiring writer. Having learnt about self publishing and the publishing industry, I must admit I still don't know which road I'd prefer. I've dabbled with self publishing by producing the travel guide about Cardiff, and I know the technical aspects of that route are easy to master and I could produce a high quality product myself. On the other hand, marketing is alien to me, and I think that having at leas one first rate editor involved is a huge boon. Not sure I like the idea of having to please an agent first and doing extensive rewrites at that stage, and then having to repeat the process for an editor. My gut feeling is that, if/when I have a completed manuscript that I am reasonably confident in, I'll submit to publishers directly, rather than submitting to an agent.

I also feel increasingly sure that the accursed novel I have been trying to write for the past six years for an MPhil I eventually dropped out of is going to be a 'trunk novel', which I will never send out at all. (That was the advice of one of the panellists when I asked). In the end, the prospect of having to go over it again and again (it's been through about 15 rewrites already) is just too painful. 

Journey Home

I ended up sitting only 3 rows ahead of the toilet on the coach.